“Judge me” is a non-formal education method which allows you to organize a structured
debate on a given topic in which the participants are working in groups to share their views on a specific topic and then to assign a representative to defend it in front of the jury.
This method was developed by Gabriel Brezoiu (General Manager) and refined with the help of Alexandra Peca (Head of Democracy & Human Rights) through several youth mobility projects (training courses and youth exchanges). Gabriel is a trainer, youth worker, social media expert, and project manager working in the youth field since 2007. As a non-formal education trainer in entrepreneurship, Gabriel is specialised in using
design thinking, Business Canvas Model, creative expression, and digital tools methodologies to enhance young people and youth workers’ entrepreneurial spirit and to support them to transform their ideas into actions.
Alexandra has been working as a project manager for the past 4 years, focusing on the
topics of youth participation, civic education, youth work, digital education, human rights. As a former Promoter for European Democracy, a project of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Romania, Alexandra is dedicated to creating at GEYC an environment in which young people feel involved and empowered, they know their rights and they develop a responsible attitude toward civic and democratic engagement.
The objectives of this method are to:
> Organise a structured debate on a given topic (ex: how to support the development of youth creative entrepreneurship?);
> Foster the public speaking and improvisation skills of the participants;
> Foster collaboration between participants.
The participants will be divided into teams of 5 people – 1 team will be the jury, and the other 4 will receive a given situation for which, by mutual agreement, they must establish a decision. The teams will present their chosen decision, and the judges will evaluate the decision in terms of predetermined roles (one person does not agree with the decision, another is undecided, another agrees perfectly, another sees only the difficulties, etc.).
Before the method starts, the facilitator should arrange a specific table for the judges and one chair should be placed in front of the jury in order to allow the presentation in a more dramatic way. Furthermore, the topics of the debate need to be written on separate A4 papers in order to be handed to each team and to be visible during the group work and then during the presentation.
After the jury debate, the teams will comment on their views and identify certain patterns in their behaviours.
Materials needed: paper handouts presenting the topics, roles handouts for the judges.
Az Ön megközelítése:
The method can be used for topics that are comfortable for the participants in which they
can share their opinion. Furthermore, the method allows the participants not to take it personal and as the judgements are based on specific roles the judges have, it will be more objective.
Limits of the method: it relies on the creativity of the participants and the participants need to have an opinion on the matter.
Written by: Gabriel Brezoiu & Alexandra Peca, GEYC, Romania
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Project No. : 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692