The Learning Space Dynamic (LSD) method allows the participants to switch between several simultaneously learning corners according to their learning needs. Participants are responsible for their own learning process.
This method was developed by Gabriel Brezoiu (General Manager) and refined through several youth mobility projects (training courses and youth exchanges). Gabriel is a trainer, youth worker, social media expert, and project manager working in the youth field since 2007. As a non-formal education trainer in entrepreneurship, Gabriel is specialised in using design thinking, Business Canvas Model, creative expression, and digital tools methodologies to enhance young people and youth workers’ entrepreneurial spirit
and to support them to transform their ideas into actions.
The objectives of this method are to:
> Develop the participants’ creative thinking
> Encourage the expression and presentation skills
> Foster collaboration between participants
The space is divided in different corners with different kinds of activities. The participants are free to move from one corner to another looking for their maximum learning composition. Also the learning-opportunities are dynamic as different topics will be proposed at different moments.
In teams, the participants will research and learn more about a certain topic. Then, using
the Leading Space Dynamics method, the team is split in 2, some members will go visit the other corners, while the others stay behind and present the findings to the people who visit their corner. After a while, the teams switch, so everyone can get a chance to visit the other “stations” and learn more about the realities.
Az Ön megközelítése:
The method can be adapted according to your type of activity. Connected to the topic of the
CREAction4EU project, we recommend using LSD as a method for getting to know the national realities regarding entrepreneurship/creative entrepreneurship.
Make sure to check on the participants often in the preparation phase of this activity and see if they need more guidance!
Written by: Gabriel Brezoiu, GEYC, Romania
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Project No. : 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692