Developing a diagnostic of quality of life and work inside your organization is necessary to understand and qualify the well-being of your workers and identify the fields of improvement to work on. Before, the shared diagnostic has to be settled by an agreement from your workers. The diagnostic will allow you to identify the concerns but also the resources you can rely on to bring improvement of the identified themes.
Mathilde Armengaud is a youth worker with great experience on local development projects, youth participation and issues related to culture and territorial resilience. Aside her numerous engagements in youth work and community volunteering projects, she’s also a Masters student in architecture.
First, you need to communicate your will to do such a diagnostic with the actors inside your organisation. On a second time, you will settle individual questionnaires, take care to have anonymous answers so the worker can feel free to express himself without any judgement. If you need to go into the diagnostic in depth, you must organise private interviews.
To assure the process, you must take into account
the following topics:
Az Ön megközelítése:
The most relevant point to succeed in the diagnostic is the relationship between the organiser of the interviews and the interviewed person. You must be honest and settle in a safe space, using non-violent communication tools to pursue the interviews. More the relationship is based on transparency and trust, the better the results will be.
From the analysis, you can start to think about the fields of improvement. This is also a point you can talk about during the interviews. How can we improve the quality of work inside the organisation? And also, if it’s a social issue, how can the organisation help you?
Here is some fields you mustn’t miss to talk about during the interview:
Ajánlott irodalom:
Mathilde Armengaud, RESOPA, France
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Project No. : 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692