This practice is dedicated to help you evaluate your collaborators and their work. This methodology can also be applied during an interview to evaluate the abilities of your future collaborator. This evaluation will be the support to improve your team’s work and skills.
Mathilde Armengaud is a youth worker with great experience on local development projects, youth participation and issues related to culture and territorial resilience. Aside her numerous engagements in youth work and community volunteering projects, she’s also a Masters student in architecture.
> Evaluate the skills and competences of your collaborators
> Help you decide what kind of person you need to work with
Struttura del processo:
The evaluation of volunteers or collaborators must be based on facts, and if they reach the goals decided before. It is important that this feedback is formalised, at least once a year, to also have feedback from your workers and partners.
The evaluation is an annual interview with your workers.
There are some topics you must talk about:
a) Well-being inside the organisation
> How do you feel inside the organisation?
> How can we improve work conditions?
> How do you evaluate the group ambiance?
b) Skills and formations
> Do you feel overwhelmed by the tasks given to you?
> Do you feel helpful/ useless? Quote at least one experience
> Do you think the missions given to you were adapted to your field of skills?
> Did you participate in the formations organised? Did you find it helpful?
> Do you have any suggestions?
c) Missions and achievements
> How will you qualify your missions inside the organisation?
> Were you able to complete all your tasks?
> Do you feel satisfied with your work? (In terms of quantity and quality)
d) Life and fulfilment inside the organisation
> What are your plans for the future?
> Do you want to stay/ leave the organisation? Explain why.
> Have you any suggestions to improve your experience inside the organisation?
Il tuo approccio:
This double evaluation helps you to understand your workers and partners feedback and food for thought to improve your organization. On the other hand, this is also a good tool for you to evaluate the skills and well-being of your workers. My advice is to use a tool sheet to complete during the interview to evaluate and not forget the key points you talked about.
Ulteriori letture:
Written by: Mathilde Armengaud, RESOPA, France
The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No. : 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692