Human Bingo is an icebreaker that helps people learn interesting facts about each other. People walk around the room and mingle until they find people that match the facts listed on a bingostyle sheet.
Human Bingo is a well-known method, but in this case we have developed a version specifically to use in projects related to entrepreneurship.
This method was developed by Alexandra Peca, Head of Democracy & Human Rights at GEYC, during several international activities. Alexandra has been working as a project manager for the past 4 years, focusing on the topics of youth participation, civic education, youth work, digital education, human rights. As a former Promoter for European Democracy, a project of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Romania, Alexandra
is dedicated to creating at GEYC an environment in which young people feel involved
and empowered, they know their rights and they develop a responsible attitude toward civic and democratic engagement.
> To break the ice between participants
> To create a friendly atmosphere
> To get to know each other better
> To introduce the topic of entrepreneurship
Struttura del processo:
Materials required: printed bingo sheets and pens.
Distribute the Bingo Forms and ask the group to talk around and find the person who fits in any of the questions of the Bingo (You cannot repeat the same person twice in the form). Once a person successfully obtains a full row (5 in a row), whether horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, he or she shouts “BINGO!” and wins.
Check together with the participants if the winner form has the right answers.
Alternatively, you can make the participants fill in all the questions before they say “Bingo!”.
Template to use:
Il tuo approccio:
This method will not only break the ice and encourage participants to talk to everyone in
the room, but it will also introduce the topic (in this case, entrepreneurship) and provide a basis on which other activities can be built, since the participants will know more about the experiences of their peers.
You can mark the centre square “FREE SPACE” like traditional bingo games. After you have prepared the table, print out enough copies for the number of players you are expecting.
Written by: Alexandra Peca, GEYC, Romania
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Project No. : 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692