MoSCoW is a method that allows the team to prioritise the different features that they will work on. Features are then categorised into “Must have”, “Should have”, “Could have”, or “Would like but will not get”. To be used at the beginning of a timeslot (for example during Sprint planning) and when planning is needed. This tool allows to make a clear hierarchy of what needs to be implemented, and what is not feasible to include within the current constraints.
This activity is based on a further elaboration by JO Education’s staff of a resource curated by the partnership of the Erasmus+ Project FAVILLE. One of the aims of the project FAVILLE was that of developing a digital application containing several resources that could be used both face-to-face and online by groups of people and learners, under the direction of a learning facilitator.
The main goal of the activity is that of defining the key features that something in development must have.
Struttura del processo:
1. List all the features that you want to develop within a specific Time frame (for example a Sprint), working environment improvement, or for personal/team development.
2. Make a diagram that has the four different categories “Must have”, “Should have”, “Could have”, or “Would like but won’t get”. Classify the features within the four categories.
> “Must have” are features that are critical and need to be implemented to have a successful product.
> “Should have” are features that are important but are not critical, they can be done in a
different way.
> “Could have” are features that would be nice to have, but won’t make a significant change in the user experience.
> “Would like but won’t get” are features that are too difficult to implement.
3. Once the different features have been rated, plan accordingly by defining tasks. Be realistic about what is actually needed and what is feasible to do.
4. Build a work/development plan that can be distributed among the team. Follow and track the plan, make sure to communicate it clearly to the team.
Il tuo approccio:
This activity can be run with an online whiteboard tool though can also be run with the facilitator screen sharing a Trello board, Google Doc or other task management tool.
Possible alternative: send an email with instructions and a grid, ask participants to get ready with their inputs and then in the live session continue with classification of the features within the four categories and planning.
At the end of the process build a work/development plan that can be distributed among the
design team. Follow and track the plan, make sure to communicate it clearly to the team.
An alternative idea might be sending an email with instructions and a grid, asking participants to get ready with their inputs and then in the live session continue with the classification of the features within the four categories and planning.
Written by: Facilitators of Virtual Learning (FAVILLE)’s partnership, JO Education, Italy
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Project No. : 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692