Panels mind mapping

Create a collective map using images to think and act together.


Mathilde Armengaud is a youth worker with great experience on local development projects, youth participation and issues related to culture and territorial resilience. Aside her numerous engagements in youth work and community volunteering projects, she’s also a Masters student in architecture.


  • Generate ideas in group
  •  Use collective to think

Struttura del processo:

First, you’ll need a bit of preparation and some furniture: a paperboard, pens, panels, stickers and glue. You will place the paperboard in the centre of the table, it will be used to collect the ideas. Write the thema you want to work on in the middle and eventually some branch.
On each corner of the table, place the images used for inspiration and the pens.
Then, ask the participants to gather around the table and to choose a panel. Let them think for around 20min. They need to place the panel on the map and explain their idea.
On a second time, you can classify the ideas regarding their importance and choose which
can be used on an action plan.

Il tuo approccio:

Before organizing the activity, you must think about the goals of this activity and settle a list of objectives you want to achieve. The panels are a way to make the mind mapping more visual but aren’t required.

The mind mapping required some furniture, if necessary you can have access to a virtual collaborative mind map on websites.

Ulteriori letture:


Mathilde Armengaud, RESOPA, France
