Speed Dating is a non-formal education method which creates an opportunity for the members of a group to get to know each other better.
This method was refined by the GEYC team through several youth mobility projects (training courses and youth exchanges).
The objectives of this method are to:
> develop the participants’ creative thinking
> encourage the expression
> foster collaboration between participants
Struttura del processo:
Make the participants sit on chairs on two rows, facing each other. Each participant has to have a pair, if the number of participants is odd, one of them can be in charge of timekeeping.
The participants will have to answer questions to each other, for 4-5 minutes. After the time is up, the participants from one of the rows move one seat to the right or left, so they pair up with different people.
After the activity ends, the participants can voluntarily share the answers with the group.
Ideas of questions:
> What are the most important qualities of an entrepreneur?
> What’s the most important skill that someone has to have to be an entrepreneur?
> How is entrepreneurship in creative industries different from entrepreneurship?
> If the business fails, should the entrepreneur still put it on his/her resume?
Il tuo approccio:
This is an opportunity for the participants to get to know as many of their peers as possible and also discuss the topic at hand. Also, it engages every single person at the same time, it helps participants critically think, hear different perspectives, and articulate their ideas in a low-risk setting. It’s a great way for ALL voices to be heard.
The physical set-up of the session may vary depending on the characteristics of the room,
but tables with chairs on each side or portable chairs arranged in an inner and outer circle
generally work well.
At the end of the speed dating session itself, you may want to consider asking the participants to write, either to reflect on the social dynamics of the session or to consolidate their content knowledge.
Written by: Team GEYC, Romania
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Project No. : 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692