Helps groups of any size to generate and build on each other’s ideas in a silent but dynamic setting. As the participants keep moving, the exercise is ideal to kick-off, for example, a full
day workshop.
This activity is based on a further elaboration by JO Education’s staff of a resource curated by the partnership of the Erasmus+ Project FAVILLE.
One of the aims of the project FAVILLE was that of developing a digital application containing several resources that could be used both face-to-face and online by groups of people and learners, under the direction of a learning
Fostering group-based idea generation and collaboration between the participants. It can also work as a stimulus towards positive criticism.
Struttura del processo:
Depending on the aim of the brainstorm, write topics or questions in different areas of a board.
Set a timer between 3 and 15 minutes, depending on the Group size in persons and the complexity of the topic. Every participant is encouraged to get closer and add his or her ideas in the board concerning some or all the topics.
Silently, they look around the board and share their ideas about the topics/ questions by writing them into the sections. Ideally, participants should apply an open “yes, and” approach which means that they should build on each other’s ideas and try to make them work instead of pointing out weak points or deal-breakers.
Il tuo approccio:
When time is up, you can either debrief with the entire group or split the group into small teams who work on the different sections/topics/questions and then share their results with the group.
Participants should not be scared of adding “bad” ideas because every idea can at least be somehow of inspiration for further ones. The activity works best if the issues on the board are rather diversified.
Facilitators of Virtual Learning (FAVILLE)’s partnership, JO Education, Italy
The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No. : 2020-1-FR02-KA227-YOU-018692