How much do you know about creative entrepreneurship? We challenge you!

Answer to a set of 8 questions and compare your best score with that of our other users!

How much do you know about creative entrepreneurship? We challenge you!

Answer to a set of 10 questions and compare your best score with that of our other users!

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The key elements of entrepreneurship competence are : boldness, conventionality and pursuit of success.

If you want to prioritise your business ideas, you need to:

In order to keep healthy and enduring networking relations you should

Which is the largest employer among the creative and cultural sector in Europe?

If a user posts a photo of your event on Instagram tagging you or using an ad hoc hashtag we can talk of “users generated content”.

EU funding programme “Creative Europe” includes the following sections:

Using instagram as an artist:

What % of all person employed in EU are employed in the cultural and creative sector?

All fundraising platform can make sense for your creative project.

Entrepreneurship competence refers to the capacity to act upon—-------------, and to transform them into—-----------------.

Storytelling is a —--------to get people involved about the —---- you are creating

A successful firm deserves a remarkable brand. It should:

In order to reach the press for your creative work you need to define who you are —------, highlight the —-- of your work and be —-----.

When you ask your community for funding, it is very useful offering a reward in return if they chose to give to you.

Entrepreneurial skills are founded on —--------- which includes —------------ and problem-solving within evolving creative processes and innovation.

Embrace risk is important for your creative enterprise.

An entrepreneurial attitude is characterised by a sense of —-------------pro-activity, being forward looking, courage and —-----------in achieving objectives.

How many books are published in the EU annually?

Which of these is NOT a cultural demain of the European Statistical System network on culture:

The European Commission has developed EntreComp: the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework as a reference framework to explain what is meant by an entrepreneurial mindset. Which are the 3 competence areas identified by EntreComp?

How can you build a culture of engagement in an online community?

What is the difference between the vision and the intention?

Participation in arts and cultural activities is a vehicle to reach broader social policy goals, such as social inclusion or active citizenship.

First impressions count. Remember, your website should be —---------------- and —--------------

In order to communicate your creative work, it is important to:

EU funds music projects. How?

When starting a creative business, knowing how you are going to execute your idea is more important than why it is worth committing.

Which popular fundraising platforms can help you supporting your creative project?

Which are the European capitals of culture in 2022?

A cooperative is a --------------owned enterprise that serves the interests of its —--------- and allows them to capture and keep the —----- they create.

How many creative projects have been backed up on Kickstarter?

In order to be successful a creative business needs to?

You should ignore your previously network when decide to start your creative agency:

What is important to create a sustainable artist space?

How can a creative business reduce the risk of failure?

To build up a creative business, I need to make a plan, set achievable goals and actionable steps.

Which strategies can you use to promote online events and exhibitions?

I am an artist but regarding business, it is better to follow traditional business ideas.

In order to find the best producer for your creative idea it is important to:

It can be helpful to run a mini SWOT analysis for competing business to know how each of their offerings are different from yours.

Make sure you have at least —-------- of savings to cover your expenses before starting your business.

In your brand growing strategy is not so important to choose a good slogan: