
Find out how you did compared with the other users of our quiz area and learning scenarios!

Here you can check the leadboard for both the scenarios and the quiz and the one resulting from the aggregation of the two scores!

1BF6694 %
2-6694 %
3lukylukep41091 %
4A7165883 %
5luke3449 %
6Liliana2029 %
7Julcsi7017 %
8Viola7017 %
9Manea Denisa-Maria7017 %
10benek7017 %
11Claudine Grant7017 %
12Iulian6014 %
13Julcsi26014 %
14Delia Francesca Nagy6014 %
15durso5013 %
16Andreea Militaru5012 %
17Derrick Vormawor5012 %
18Giuls5012 %
19durso4010 %
20marco4010 %