Creative problem solving

How to deal with problems? Use collective intelligence as a way to find out solutions that stick to all.


Mathilde Armengaud is a youth worker with great experience on local development projects, youth participation and issues related to culture and territorial resilience. Aside her numerous engagements in youth work and community volunteering projects, she’s also a Masters student in architecture.


> Find out collective solutions
> Gathering the participants to common goals
> Make an action plan

Structure of the process:

1. Explore

First, you should expose the problem (goal, wish or challenge). Then, we collect all the ideas that seem interesting and make a list of all the possible solutions to solve the initial issue (new perspectives, ideas or opportunities).

2. Prepare the action plan

Secondly, in a group, you select the efficient solutions and reinforce them with qualifications. For example, the solution is to „fusion the projects”, to validate this solution, this is important to find out what makes it a good solution, using adverbs: „equality of funds”, „powerful project”…

3. Action plan

The last step is to plan how to realise the solution. There’s no one big step so take it easy and plan together little achievements to reach your final goal. Don’t hesitate to describe every step of the action plan (who, when, how, for who…). This action plan is retroactive, don’t forget to use it as a daily tool and to readjust the deadlines if necessary.

Your Approach:

My approach is to say this is a really important tool to guide your team on a daily basis. Collective goals are what gather a team on long term and help everyone to collaborate, avoiding useless conflicts. To make it even more accurate you can make the action plan more visual by using an Excel sheet with tasks and deadlines.

Further readings:


Written by: Mathilde Armengaud, RESOPA, France
